Chilwa Minerals owns 100% of the mineral sands and Rare Earths at the Lake Chilwa precinct.
Our project is located around the northern, western and southern shores of Lake Chilwa in Southern Malawi.
Malawi is a landlocked country in southeasten Africa. It is bordered by Zambia to the west, Tanzania to the north and northeast, and Mozabique to the east, southeast and southwest. Malawi spans over 118,484 m2 (45,747sq m) and has an estimated population of just over 19 million (Jan 2021).

The Project comprises two licences with a total land area of 878.7km2 and includes a JORC 2012 compliant Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE), classified at the Inferred level of confidence of 2.4 MT Total Heavy Minerals (THM).
The Project is prospective for further mineralisation in both the existing and previously unexplored areas of the licences.

The Company’s primary exploration targets are critical mineral deposits, specifically heavy mineral sands (ilmenite and zircon) as well as garnet (silicate mineral group).
The area is also highly prospective for rare earth elements such as monazite and xenotime, with existing geology workings and adjacent tenement discoveries indicating this potential.
Mposa is Chilwa Minerals most promising deposit and accounts for 30% of the total Project Mineral Resource.

Includes Prospects Bimbi and Northeast Bimbi.

Namasalima is a new priority target due to a recent reconnaissance indicating the presence of a large topographic high.

Includes prospects Halala, Nkotamo, Beacon & Namanja.

Includes prospects Mpyupyu Dune and Mpyupyu Flat.
Mpyupyu Dune has the highest grades of the Mineral Resource.

A 471km2 licence extension was granted in 2022 south of our other licence.

The Mota-Engil Group, is a multinational company focused on engineering, construction and infrastructure, environmental services, transport concessions, energy and mining, is a major shareholder, (via its subsidiary LUSO Global Mining) and has recently extended the Chilwa Minerals Limited Agreement to January 2026. The Agreement includes the provision of accommodation and office facilities in Malawi, technical and administrative support staff, support vehicles and other infrastructure, including a large storage shed which will be utilised for storing samples.
Chilwa also has separate agreements in place with subsidiaries of Mota Engil Mozambique for the provision of drilling services.
ESS (Environmental and Social Sustainability), are a leading implementation focused advisory services firm delivering sustainable development in Africa and emerging economies.
ESS is currently working with Chilwa Minerals Limited on a variety of activities such as IESC, Auditing and Sustainability Reporting.